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SVG Animation - 2020
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)

SVG Examples #2

SVG Picture Animation Example: Golden Gate Bridge images are animated with Javascript

SVG Image Animation - Golden Gate Bridge

SVG Picture Animation Example: feDisplacementMap for water ripple effect

SVG Image Animation - Trouts with ripple effect

SVG Math Animation Example: Lissajous Curve/Bowditch curve - wiki

SVG Math aniamtion: Lissajous Curve/Bowditch curve

DHTML Picture Animation Example: Female Figure Skaters 1998-2010


DHTML + SVG Animation Example: Interactive Bouncing Balls


DHTML Picture Animation Example: Reflection with water ripple: Yosemite National Park- It takes couple of seconds to see the effect


DHTML Picture Animation Example: Trout #2


SVG Animation Example: Mouse Attraction

SVG Mouse Attraction Aniamtion

SVG Animation Example: Mouse Repulsion

SVG Mouse Repulsion Aniamtion

SVG Animation Example: Mouse trail attraction forming chain of balls

SVG Mouse Trail Attraction Aniamtion

SVG Animation Example: Water bubble from the tip of the mouse

SVG Water Bubble Aniamtion

SVG Picture Animation Example: Image Deformation: Dali's "The Persistence of Memory"

Image Deformation: The Persistence of Memory